Poison Apple

I sat in the dark

studying bones.
They contain billions of little channels you know — 

Handing treats to countless 
little princess-witches and spidermen,
the spidey sense in the back of my skull 
tingled a touch too late. 

A dark shadow 
in the shape of a man 
was striding across the lawn.
The primal fear triggered — 
an unpleasant adaptation 
to fight, flee, freeze, or fawn
in hopes that we would not be forced.

Tearing of tissues the first concern
but more concerning —
the future burden of bearing
unwanted births,
endless pleading mouths.

But as the form drew closer, 
I swear I saw colors swirl around him
as the dimensions of the universe 
Frameshifted in the dark.
And it was warmth and comfort and friend —  
my husband returned! 

That night, 
I dreamt of poisonous ex-lovers
holding me close in giant warm arms
yet still distant somehow.

Walking in the gray gloaming of the morning,
a golden familiar by my side,
a bruised purple plum 
oozes, hiccups, and writhes 
behind my sternum.

They used to speak 
in worried tones 
about my shameful "emotional instability" 
and yet,
lick their chops — 
Pater Famil 
at the supper,
at the spread.

I wonder if Snow White 
was actually the poison apple?

Her stepmom —
not so bad after all — 
only a little nonconformist —
defiantly wearing black turtle necks, 
instead of the floofy frills,
pulling little Snowy aside one day,
letting her in on a little secret,
“Hey kid….. 
you are your own, 
Charming or no.”

After the kisses, 
the countless princes 
falling to her sides.
Her peaceful woodland bed —
her flower power bower —
rimmed and limned 
with piles of their dried bones. 

She slumbers on peacefully,
taking but a nap,
the slightest of smirks 
on the corners 
of those big red lips. 

As those little songbirds chirrup, 
and sing her song,
loyal little dwarf men
hum along.
